Retirement planning playbook

Help your clients plan to thrive in modern midlife

Our latest research reveals today's retirees are in the midst of a dynamic transition: a modern midlife where personal identity, relationships and sense of purpose are in flux. Retired and pre-retiree investors seek guidance on every front — not just financial planning, but also life planning, health and wellness, and values and legacy.  These resources and tools can help you understand this new retirement mindset, and plan for it in a unique way.

Know how to engage modern retirees

New research: Retirement redefined

Our exciting retirement research can help you check your assumptions and get into the mindset of this fascinating client segment.

Reinvent your retirement playbook

Think beyond investment selection to offer concierge retirement services that clients and prospects value.

Attract investors with a Social Security event

Social Security presentation for investors

Help educate clients and prospects on Social Security and Medicare with this slideshow.

(Schedule event through your Capital Group sales representative)

Social Security event email invite

Our handy template can help you create a friendly email invitation.

Help clients plan their best retirement

Retirement planning for the modern midlife

To help make this next phase of life all that it can be, investors seek guidance on every front, including lifestyle, wellness, values and finances.

Client workbook:
My best retirement

Give this workbook to clients, as a way to help you start to gather important information.